Throughout the year, we partner with incredibly generous organizations that believe in our work. They stand by us in countless ways — from funding our programs, to donating time and expertise, to replenishing food and supplies.
Southbridge Partners.
Aldersgate UMC
United Way
PNC Bank
Food Bank of Delaware
St. Paul’s UMC
Buttonwood UMC
Martha Chapter NO.2
BPG Construction
George Miller
City of Wilmington
Eddie Barksdale Family
Pamela Gardner Family
New Castle County Police
Representative Franklin D. Cooke
The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Brigid Division 1
JPMorgan Chase
Fulton Bank
Bank of America
Judy Morton
Barbara Mitchell
New Castle UMC
Ebenezer UMC
Once Upon A Run
Linus Project
Sir Walter Johnson, Sr.
Center for Pain
Masjid Isa Ibne Maryam
Sikh Community
Congregation Beth Emeth
Mt. Lebanon UMC
Islamic Circle of North America
Christ Church Christiana Hundred
Islamic Society of DE
Middletown Partners.
Amazon Acts of Kindness
Appoquinimink State Service Center
All Therapy Physical Therapy
Appoqunimink Ruritan Club
Bank of America
Bayberry Community
Beach Babies Childcare Center
Bethesda UMC
Brilliant Little Minds Childcare Center
Brownie/Girl Scout Troops
Capital Cheer Elite
Cedar Lane Elementary School
Center for Conscious Healing Counseling Center
Central Grange
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Church on Main
Commodore Estates
Connection Community Church
Cub Scout /Boy Scout Troops
DE Church of Christ
Delaware Farm Bureau
Delta Sigma Theta
Family Help, Inc. Transitional Housing Program
Forget Me Not Families Clothing Organization
Friendship House - Empower Minds Program
Glancey Farms
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church
Immanuel United Methodist Church
J.P. Morgan/Chase Bank
KJP Foundation
Lacy Holly, Esq.
Learning Tree Academy

Without the support of these amazing organizations, our ability to positively impact low-to-moderate income individuals and families would be greatly diminished. We are so grateful for our partners and what they make possible each and every day.